Office Mob: +8615524105871
Office Tel: +86-024-31931990
Office Fax: +86-024-22845391
Copper turbine processing technology
Copper Turbine Design Machine tool casting quality affects the process of bronze casting. Designing, in addition to working and performance metal materials to determine the geometry, size of the machine tool castings, is also reasonably clear from the cast-in-casting design and features of the cast-in-place size effect and set shrinkage, stress, etc. to avoid or reduce Copper turbine isolation, deformation, cracks and other defects.
Casting affect the quality of copper castings. Weight and size structure, castings, cast alloy properties and production conditions, choose the right type and style to make the core method, proper casting bars, chill, ascent and pouring systems and more. In order to ensure high-quality castings. Without improving the overall quality of machine tool casting, machine tool, copper turbine equipment development and production, there may be a case, and ultimately our machine tool equipment manufacturing industry in the international market competitiveness. Machine tool casting, thus ensuring the overall improvement in the quality of machine tools continue to improve.
Office Mob: +8615524105871
Office Tel: +86-024-31931990
Office Fax: +86-024-22845391